Thursday, 11 June 2015

Provident Group offers printing accessories to rectify print defect quality

Every industry has to allow for an amount of waste and errors that can be found in any process.  Regardless of the advancement in machinery and technology, the system eventually will create an error along the way.  In the printing industry, printers and manufacturers are well aware of this reality and use defect flagging software to detect whenever there is a print defect in the printed material.  The use of this flagging system allows printers to see exactly where the defect occurred and how much of the printed material was affected.

At Provident Group, the defect flagging software and system are the best in the industry allowing a printer to see exactly what needs to be removed.  When the defects located are too numerous, it is a signal to the printer that the equipment needs to be cleaned and accessories such as the doctor blades and end seals need to be replaced.  The fact this need was discovered using the defect flagging software helps to reduce the amount of waste, allowing the process to be efficient and cost effective for any printer.  Less waste means more approved printed products that can be used by the customer.

The flexographic printing process has become the fastest, most efficient and most effective printing process in the industry.  Provident Group offers many accessories and tools to use including software that will locate a print defect and show the printer where to cut out areas that were not printed correctly.  With a full menu of printing accessories to take full advantage of, Provident Group is the best partner any printing company can have to help them improve the quality of their finished products which is then passed on to the customer.  Using the defect flagging software printers has been able to reduce waste while improving the quality of their products.

To know more information about print defect please visit the website.

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