Wednesday, 10 February 2016

Steps for Choosing the Right Barcode Verifier

Barcodes are a huge part of our lives  as everything we purchase has a barcode on it.  How the items we buy get from the manufacturer to the shelves for us to purchase them takes a variety of barcodes and different shipping uses.  This makes barcodes a bigger part of our lives than we could ever imagine.  When a manufacturing company needs to make use of a barcode verifier they need to make sure it will be the right item for the job they need done. 

An affordable barcode verifier will be able to make it easy for a company to print and verify the accuracy of the barcodes to be attached to the products created.  This is important to ensure items are sold in stores are the right items.  There are a variety of different barcode verification machines that can be used and many companies choose several to get the job done right. 

In the printing room a stationary barcode with a wide laser field is necessary to read the many codes that are printed at one time using the flexographic printing process.  On down the line another stationary barcode verifier may be used to ensure the right barcodes are being attached to the right products.  Toward the end of the process another affordable barcode verifier may be a mobile unit that can be attached to a laptop computer which can be used to make a final check of the items before shipping.

This three step process makes it much easier for companies to ensure the products they ship out have the right barcodes attached to them.  It’s much less expensive to have the right equipment than to send someone out to check an replace barcodes when they have been printed and shipped incorrectly.  This makes a barcode verifier an important tool in the manufacturing industry to make sales easier.

To know more information about affordable barcode verifier please visit the website.

Tuesday, 9 February 2016

Easily Rectify Print Defects

If you work in an office and use a printer on a regular basis the correction of a print defect is pretty easy by clearing a print jam or replacing the ink cartridge.  When the printing is done on a much larger scale such as the printing needed for packaging for products that are manufactured and the shipping boxes they will be shipped out in there is much more to finding a print defect and correcting the problem.   In this case manufacturers use special tools such as a print defect detection system to make it easier to find the problem and have it corrected.

In your office a print defect may cost a few pieces of paper and a small amount of time.  On the printing presses of  a manufacturing company these defects could cost thousands of dollars if not detested and corrected quickly.  The use of a print defect detection system helps to ensure these defects can be found quickly and corrected before wasting too much of the valuable ink and products that would be wasted.  Because many print systems us extremely expensive inks and materials, protecting the investment with the lowest waste possible is important to every manufacturing company.

Regardless of the if the defect is found while printing labels for a drink product or the boxes that are needed to ship out the drinks a print defect can cause wasted downtime for the printing presses and slow the entire process down.  The print defect detection system used in a manufacturing plant can inform the team of if the defect was a one-time issue in the product or if it’s a consistent problem in the press which would require the press to be cleaned and parts to be changed out in order to have the printing done correctly.  With these flagging systems companies are able to keep costs down for printing.

To know more information about print defect detection system please visit the website.